Privacy Policy

General Information
When using our website, you trust us with your information. This privacy policy is here to inform you that we do not collect any data other than what you provide when using our contact form or calling Keystone Partners LLC. We will never give, share, or sell your information to a third party provider and do our best to protect your privacy and security. We never use cookies to track you.
How We Use Your Information
When our company uses the data we collect, it is only for three purposes; operate our business and promote the services we offer, send communications including specials and discounts, and for direct advertising. We combine the data we collect through the information you provide us that directly identifies you, such as your name, email address or phone number, to give you the most recent services and special offers we may have.
Keystone Partners LLC's information on this website is provided "as is" and the information written in this website is accurate and current at the time of publication. Keystone Partners LLC accepts no liability for any errors or omissions. In addition, we will not be liable for any loss of profits or damage of any kind (including consequential or economic loss) because of information contained herein. Any links to third party websites on our website are for informational purposes only, and all trademarks, images, and logos are properties of their respective companies/owners and in no way imply any association to Keystone Partners LLC, whatsoever. If you own the copyright to any of them please notify us and we will be happy to remove them immediately. We do include links to the manufacturers of our products we install, with their permissions.
The Laws of Tennessee will govern for any litigation and/or damages that may arise in relation to, or use of, this website.